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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Trip to Avenue Q

I really enjoyed my trip last night to Avenue Q! The Fisher Theater was buzzing and the "D" was beautifully lit with holiday lights along West Grand Boulevard and Woodward Avenue. It was an evening to forget about all the bad news plaguing our city.
Avenue Q had a "multi-muppeted" ensemble cast that was so talented and everyone in this sold-out audience laughed...a lot! Strings attached? You bet! Someone who reviewed it in our local newspaper said they were 10 years too old to relate to the characters. Being the same age, I had to disagree. We all have memories about graduating school and finding our first job. This group of newly found friends lived together in an apartment building owned by the former child star Gary Coleman! From there, it gets even funnier! The opening song "Sucks to be me" reflected on all their struggles and how things had not progressed in their lives as they imagined. Boy, who can't relate to that? There was another song called "We're all a little racist", which spoke about how we stereotype people. I laughed and could see my Asian daughter playing the role of Christmas Eve someday. The funniest characters were the most racy. Well, as racy as a puppet/muppet with a human handler can get- Imagine Cookie Monster being into porn- that was Trekkie Monster! Lucy the Slut, looked like a cross between Loni Anderson, from the 70's, okay, now I am dating myself, and the old fashioned hussy! The lead characters were Princeston and Kate Monster who actually had sex! Shocking? Perhaps. But even puppets need love! It really was cute and most enjoyable. Who did I like the best? Kate of course!

Broadway in Detroit is alive and well.
The big TV screen says: Go See Avenue Q
You'll love it!

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