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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friendships Weather all Storms

I was at work this morning when I received a call that went to my voice mail. I was later sorry I didn't pick it up. It was my friend Carmen who lives in Houston. She left a message saying they were okay, but without power and trapped in the house, since downed trees blocked their garage door. In her endless humor, she mentioned that she had extra kids staying with them, I believe she said it was a set of twins and she went on to say how hard this would be without her cappucino machine! She also told me to make sure I posted to our China travel group, that they were all okay.

It was five years ago this week and next, that we were in China together. I remember meeting Carmen for the first time in Beijing. The first thing she said when she came up to me at breakfast was, "How's your Dad?" My Dad had been in the hospital the week before we left for China and we had been corresponding on our Yahoo travel group. This group was established by one of the other moms who we fondly refer to as "Linda M". Linda was the seasoned China traveler who we all came to rely on for advice and what to expect throughout our adoptions.

Linda M lives in suburban Minneapolis. The other moms who stay in touch are in Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Oregon and overseas in places like Qatar and Dubai. We have weathered many storms these past 5 years and will always remain forever connected through China. A few of us are meeting soon in places like Disney World, the Mall of America and hopefully someday we'll do a reunion trip back to where we met in the Far East.

Carmen, we'll be all thinking about you and hoping the power comes on soon. Girl, you really have your own power on 24/7. But I know your need your cappucino to weather motherhood! LOL..Me too!
Happy Gotcha Day Qinzhou Babes!!!!

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